Salesforce to launch Code Builder, a cloud-native Salesforce IDE

Salesforce announced a web-based IDE for Salesforce development called Code Builder, slated for Beta release this month. The announcement came at Salesforce’s recently completed developer conference, TrailblazerDX. The conference revealed an increasing focus on DevOps by the $27B cloud computing company, including ten sessions on DevOps-related topics. Last Fall’s Dreamforce conference was the first time that Salesforce had included DevOps in their main developer keynote, a sign that the company is taking the need for DevOps on their platform seriously.

Code Builder has been a long-time coming, having been publicly announced two years ago. Salesforce had purchased the domain name in 2016 for this purpose, and helped fund development of the Cloud9 IDE for the same purpose back in 2015, but those initiatives hadn’t taken off. Since Visual Studio Code is built on Monaco using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS it naturally lends itself to being ported to the cloud. Other considerations like security and persistent file storage had naturally made this release a non-trivial effort.

TrailblazerDX sessions including tutorials on DevOps for both Commerce Cloud and Mulesoft, both products that Salesforce added by acquisition. A booth and several sessions also shared about DevOps Center, a forthcoming entry-level DevOps solution that Salesforce is building for their platform.

DevOps Center will, for the first time, provide an officially supported tool to help low code admins track their work in Git, perform deployments of groups of Salesforce metadata, and systematically promote changes from development to production. Salesforce code-based developers already have access to the Salesforce CLI and IDE extensions for Visual Studio Code that enable developers to track and deploy their work.

A vibrant commercial market has arisen to address the need to manage the exploding complexity of custom development on the Salesforce platform. Tools like Copado (full disclosure: my employer) have been available for years as a way to manage planning, testing, deploying, and monitoring Salesforce solutions. Dedicated security solutions like DigitSec and Clayton help address the unique security needs of Salesforce solutions. And free tools like are emerging to help people untangle the mass of dependencies that emerge on Salesforce’s integrated platform.

The big selling point of Salesforce is it’s providing a fully integrated database that allows companies to blend native functionalities, AppExchange solutions, and custom-built capabilities to meet their needs. The low code Salesforce development platform requires more modest development skills than traditional code-based apps. And integrating all of this into a single database means that apps can interoperate without the need to manage separate integrations.

But the increasing complexity of Salesforce apps, the increasing velocity of changes on those platforms, and the growing need for security and quality controls is driving the need for DevOps on Salesforce. I share more in this article for IT Revolution.

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